Notable participación española en el próximo congreso de la EACTS

Durante los próximos días 9 al 12 de octubre tendrá lugar en Lisboa la trigésimo octava edición del congreso anual de la European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS). Como cada año, la reunión sigue ofreciendo un formato multidisciplinar que profundiza sobre las principales controversias y avances en el campo de los tratamientos de la patología cardiovascular, tanto quirúrgicos como intervencionistas. En consonancia con la tradición portuguesa y con ediciones previas de la reunión, sigue manteniendo un carácter marcadamente internacional que sobrepasa las fronteras europeas, convirtiéndose en una de las reuniones que aglutina más expertos de clase mundial.

Es esta reunión, por lo tanto, una excelente oportunidad para actualizar conocimiento y generar, tanto opinión como relaciones, particularmente en lo que se refiere a nivel internacional. La participación española en esta edición vuelve a ser notable, gracias a profesionales integrantes de servicios dentro de nuestras fronteras como aquellos que desarrollan su trabajo en el extranjero, muchos ellos como expertos referentes.

A continuación, ofrecemos un desglose de sus participaciones en el próximo 38º EACTS, siendo merecido un obrigado por su esfuerzo de representación de nuestro país en una reunión de semejante trascendencia:

Jueves, 10 de octubre

  • 8:40 Coronary – EACTS learning lab (ponente J. Alcocer).
  • 9:48 Vascular Moderated e-Posters – Type A Aortic Dissection: Distal aortic reoperation after Type A dissection: results from international multicenter registry (coautores A. Pinto y E. Quintana).
  • 10:00 Standout Articles from the Multimedia Manual of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (MMCTS): EACTS TV (panelista A. Pechenenko).
  • 10:00 Access sites for TAVI: A step by step procedural guide – Focus session: Transfemoral access for TAVI (ponente V. Mosquera)
  • 14:20 Aortic root surgery in marfans – Focus session: Different Paths to one goal: Who benefits what? European perspective (ponente C. Mestres).
  • 15:15-16:15 Mitral valve surgery: when the neighbours matter – Abstract (panelista D. Pereda).
  • 15:15-16:15 Cutting-edge research in cardiac assist devices and perfusion techniques (panelista E. Sandoval).
  • 15:15-16:15 Type A dissection in always complicated – Abstract (moderador E. Quintana).
  • 15:30-15:50 Countdown to the 3rd Aortic Forum: key insights and programme highlights: EACTS TV (panelista R. Sádaba).
  • 16:30-17:30 How to use the radial artery – Focus session (moderador P. Campelos Fernández).
  • 17:02 Mechanisms and Management: Devices and Support Systems – Rapid response: Agreement between anti-factor Xa and activated partial thromboplastin time values in recipients of long term left ventricular assist devices; which is the best predictor of long term survival? (autora M. Monteagudo).
  • 17:45-18:45 Vascular graft infection: the silent epidemic – Focus session (panelista V. Mescola).

Viernes, 11 de octubre

  • 8:30-9:30 Standard of care operative management and future of septal myectomy – Focus session (moderador C. Mestres).
  • 8:30 Standard of care operative management and future of septal myectomy – Focus session: Intraoperative echocardiographic support for HOCM surgery. Interactive case session (ponente C. Ibáñez).
  • 8:30 Standard of care operative management and future of septal myectomy – Focus session: Feared and uncommon VSD in HOCM surgery. Operative strategies for correction (E. Quintana).
  • 8:30-9:30 Video-session on minimally invasive aortic valve replacement – Focus session (panelista V. Mescola).
  • 8:30-9:30 Video-session on minimally invasive aortic valve replacement – Focus session: Robotic aortic valve replacement (LIVE-IN-A-BOX) (ponente D. Pereda).
  • 9:00-11:00 Congenital: The Senning Procedure – EACTS learning lab (moderador y ponente R. Hosseinpour).
  • 9:30-10:00 Acquired Cardiac Moderated e-Posters – Heart Failure: Initial experience using Del Nido Cardioplegia in Heart Transplant (autores R. Aranda, J. Blanco, L. Alfonso, M. Royo, I. Garrido, A. García, F. Gutiérrez, S. Cánovas)
  • 10:15 Heart transplantation and LVADs in 2024: an update – Focus session: New kids on the block: what can we expect from future devices (ponente E. Sandoval).
  • 10:00-11:00 Promoting big trials – Focus session (panelista R. Sádaba).
  • 10:00-11:00 EACTS/STS Session: How did the 2023 EACTS/STS Aortic Guidelines change your practice? A cased-based discussion by the experts – Focus session (panelista A. López).
  • 13:45 Cutting-Edge Techniques in HOCM and VSD Surgery – Abstract:
    Transapical beating-heart septal myectomy for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy with anomalous insertion of papillary muscles into the mitral valve (coautor E. Quintana).
  • 13:45-14:45 Walking together in lone AF ablation and beyond. EHRA-EACTS joint session – Focus session (moderador J.L. Merino).
  • 14:00 Walking together in lone AF ablation and beyond. EHRA-EACTS joint session – Focus session: To boldly go where no men has gone before. Time for hybrid ablation (EHRA view) (ponente A. Porta).
  • 13:45-14:45 Unresolved questions in CABG – Focus session (panelista M. Carnero).
  • 15:15-16:15 Advanced Strategies and Management in Complex Endocarditis Cases – Abstract (panelista L. Doñate).
  • 15:30 Advanced strategies and management in complex endocarditis cases – Abstract: Mid-term outcomes of intervalvular fibrosa body reconstruction with Commando variants for active infective endocarditis (autores J.E. De Villareal, A. Forteza, D. Martínez, D. Pereda, B. Rubio, J. Centeno, M. Castellà, E. Quintana).
  • 15:15-16:15 Video Session. Mastering Advanced Surgical Procedures: Techniques and Insights – Abstract (moderador D. Pereda).
  • 15:15-16:15 The RITA under fire – Focus session (panelista J. Albors).
  • 16:30-17:15 Challenges in thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (moderadora M.J. López).
  • 16:30-17:30 Rethinking aortic arch repair: more physiologic operations minimizing or avoiding circulatory arrest – Focus session (Panelista M. Ascaso).
  • 16:44 Rethinking aortic arch repair: more physiologic operations minimizing or avoiding circulatory arrest – Focus session: Open aortic arch replacement (zone 1, 2 or 3) without circulatory arrest under normothermic CPB (VIDEOs) (ponente E. Quintana).
  • 16:45-17:10 LATIN HEART ROUNDS live with EACTS: EACTS TV (panelista V. Bautista).
  • 17:20-17:35 Science friction – The daily review: EACTS TV (panelista R. Sádaba).

Sábado, 12 de octubre

  • 8:30-9:30 How to get the best results in complex CABG populations – Focus session (panelista V. Mescola).
  • 8:30-9:30 Mastering mechanical circulatory support: all you need to know – Focus session (panelista E. Sandoval).
  • 8:50 Pre-Trainee session – Focus session: What makes a good surgeon (ponente R. Sádaba).
  • 10:40 2024 EACTS perioperative medication guidelines – Focus session: Beta-Blockers and RAAS Inhibitors: Their Evolving Role in Post-Surgical Care (ponente E. Sandoval).
  • 10:37 Hereditary Thoracic Aortic Disease (HTAD): finding a way through the maze – Focus session: Endovascular repair for HTAD – ready for prime time – CON (ponente A. López).

En definitiva, los días 9-12 de octubre son la mejor oportunidad para tomar el pulso a la cirugía cardiovascular internacional. La ciudad de la luz nos espera. Y, como nos diría el acogedor pueblo portugués, vejo você em breve.