Commando procedure in non-endocarditis contexts: the Cleveland Clinic experience
This retrospective analysis spans ten years of single-center interventions, evaluating the Commando procedure in non-infectious mitral-aortic involvement cases.
This retrospective analysis spans ten years of single-center interventions, evaluating the Commando procedure in non-infectious mitral-aortic involvement cases.
Contemporary Data on Conservative Management of Type A Aortic Dissection in Non-Surgical Patients from the University of Michigan.
This multicenter, observational, and retrospective study evaluates the 10-year survival outcomes of one million patients undergoing myocardial revascularization with a multiarterial versus single-arterial grafting approach.
The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery’s consensus document on perioperative myocardial infarction (PMI) reviews current diagnostic criteria and gaps in evidence, presenting a straightforward diagnostic algorithm with prognostic impact.
A retrospective study at Mayo Clinic analyzed outcomes of mild or moderate tricuspid repair among 1,588 patients with degenerative mitral valve disease.
This multicenter American study compares clinical follow-up outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), categorizing patients into those with no concomitant procedures, those who underwent left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) only, and those who received both LAAC and surgical ablation of arrhythmia.
This retrospective analysis examines both short- and long-term outcomes (spanning thirteen years) of patients treated with Perceval® sutureless valves at a single Belgian center.
In-depth analysis of the German multicenter DEDICATE study presents one-year outcomes in low-surgical-risk TAVI patients compared to aortic valve replacement, allowing the inclusion of patients younger than 75 years.
A review of the Journal of Clinical Medicine on intraoperative support during lung transplantation compares the use of ECMO with cardiopulmonary bypass.
This single-center, observational, retrospective study evaluates early valve replacement in asymptomatic adults with severe aortic stenosis.